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As each month passes, a new person is healed. For each month to be successful there is a general routine done, that becomes more complex according to each patient's different health needs.


We base how to take care of each patient depending on their specific case. Each patient has a different time amount to work with. Within that amount of time, we look at their financial stability, to ensure that the person we are helping is truly in need. Second, we take their health problem, talk to the doctors at the hospital to see what they need (hospital visits, medication, and/or operation), how much the cost of it will be, and what we must do to get that money. 





Once all information is gathered, we discuss with one another to ensure we have all the needed content. We look at the amount of money we have not used, then we see how much of a gap we have to fill in. Then we decide how to get the money. In some cases we ask for donations, make investments with other businesses (by taking a percentage from the sales of a product), hold elegant dinners, create partnerships with elementary and middle schools (to hold a $1 dress down day for their students), sell merchandise, bake sales, and much more. Depending on the amount of money we need and how much time we have to get the money, we make a decision to see which will fit the best. 


Once the money is raised, Haisha H. transfers the money to the hospital the patient is in. Get needed paperwork to ensure the patient is in good health and all needs steps have been taken. As each month passes, thanks to our routine, we successfully can say we helped one more person.


T: 267-678-9816


© 2017 by HHH


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